Monday, April 14, 2014

Courtney Point to Pearl Bayou

Saturday, 4/12/14

What was a calm windward anchorage last night turned into a lee shore this morning and I was lucky to have anchored furthest from the shore and sailed off the hook. Steve took an early wet walk into deeper water for B. Frank to float clear and Dan was able to motor out.
It was mentioned last night to go across the bay for breakfast near Saint Andrews Marina and with a call to Pam to meet us (with a hat for Steve and a funnel for me) for breakfast at “Two Broads and a Burner” at Saint Andrew’s Coffee House.
Steve and Dan land Saint Andrews Marina (I squeezed into the marina)

It was also good timing that again, being a Saturday, a “farmer’s market” was happening and I bought a muffulatta sandwich for lunch later. I was surprised to find this Nawlins specialty but I’m also finding shrimp ‘etoufee and po’ boy sandwiches but, alas, not much key lime pie.

After a light-wind start, we get a sometimes punchy 10 to 18-knot winds, but off the beam for the good news. The bad news is a foul, ebbing, tide but we manage to get to the entrance to Pearl Bayou by 4PM. As Dan and I head in to find a suitable beach or anchorage. Steve, meanwhile, heads off to a nearby landing for a case of cold beer, ice, and a bucket of fried chicken - wow, what a guy!

Stuffed with chicken and beer I turn below for a nap, wake at 6PM ready for a Saturday night but find Dan and Steve hunkered under their boom tents. And as with Pearl Bayou, what was a calm windward anchorage that night turned into a lee shore sometime in the middle of the night and with what seemed like heavy fog as I could not see across to the opposite near shore.

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